The strategic developer's daily

Hi, I’m Taj Pelc. Building for the web and leading engineering teams for 15+ years.

Jan 07 • 1 min read

Is AI-generated code production grade?

The answer depends on the complexity of the task.

For a simple, one-file change, yes. It's often good enough and you'd find it hard to tell it wasn't written by a human.

For complex tasks, it depends on the operator.

If you just describe a feature and ask it to implement something of reasonable complexity, it will struggle.

It will struggle because it needs a lot of context.
↳ About the feature itself, the complete behavior.
↳ About the existing software arcihtecutre.
↳ About desired coding practices.
↳ About opinioned linters.

And probably a bunch more stuff I missed out, but you get the picture.

No way that you are doing all of that in a single prompt.

Unfortunately, in Jan of 2025, there's no describe an app that you want and get it build in one go.

You need to be the one holding all the context about the codebase in your head and guide the maschine through the implementation if you want to get decent results.

If done efficiently, it can offer some major speed advantages. And then (occasionally) break its teeth on the most simplest of asks.

But the tech will get incrementally better, and I believe it already can make you faster if you master the way of the chat interface.

It's not about to make a senior developer obsolete, but it will make a senior developer more efficient at delivering results if they invest in learning how to wield this new tool.

The point is, it's the early days and the wonk will improve with each update.



Hi, I’m Taj Pelc. Building for the web and leading engineering teams for 15+ years.

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