Agile lessons from SpaceX

SpaceX just caught their booster using oversized chopsticks and there's a lesson there we can apply. 🥢🚀

When we compare the build process for Space Launch System to Starship, it's like waterfall vs agile.

The NASA approach is to gather requirements, have a long planning phase, build components for many years, assemble the rocket, test some more, and finally launch with fingers crossed.

It's often late, over budget, and conservative in execution.

The SpaceX approach is optimized for learning. They don't assume; they build it and test it iteratively. Each new ship has many improvements, but the turnaround is months rather than years.

When you optimize for learning, flying is optional. A rapid unscheduled disassembly can be just as good if it provides experimental data that you can use to improve the next version.

Agile is not following a framework. It's shipping early and often and experimentally getting real world experience that you can use to get to good faster.

It works in software too.



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